Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI) has put the finishing touches on its virtual annual meeting and what it hopes will be the start of productive plans for a revitalized post-pandemic center city.

Together Towards Tomorrow, to be held online March 4, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., will feature a panelist discussion with three of the community’s leading experts in business, healthcare, and education:

  • Scott Baxter | President & CEO, Kontoor Brands, Inc
  • Mary Jo Cagle | Chief Operating Officer, Cone Health
  • Franklin Gilliam, Jr. | Chancellor, UNC Greensboro

“We wanted our annual meeting to focus on what’s next,” says Zack Matheny, President and CEO of DGI. “The agenda we are featuring will do just that, and really address what our community might expect in the coming months and years post-COVID19.”

Together Towards Tomorrow will also feature:

  • Chris Beynon | MIG Consulting Group
    Who will present the new focus of DGI’s Vision 2030 plan, which was shifted to better reflect the changing dynamics of the world following the pandemic.

“When we first presented our Vision 2030 plan last year, it was right before the pandemic struck,” Matheny says. “It is important for us to take the pulse of the people to make sure our priorities are still aligned with the community’s wants post-pandemic.”

Together Towards Tomorrow is a free online event. To receive a meeting link, participants are asked to register at

Together Towards Tomorrow