Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI) has announced more than $105,481 was spent locally in the center city’s small businesses during their 14-week Summer Passport Program. 
"Once again, the community has supported our downtown small business owners in record fashion," says Zack Matheny, DGI President and CEO. "We couldn't conceive of these types of revenue-driving programs without corporate support, and we sincerely thank our newest partners, Curriculum Associates,  for joining us for the 2022 Summer Passport Program." 

Massachusetts-based Curriculum Associates recently expanded their reach into the southeast by opening a new location in downtown Greensboro.
“DGI's Passport Program was such a great opportunity to give back to this community that’s welcomed us with open arms,” said Bryan Deyermond, Talent Partner at Curriculum Associates. “We could not have asked for better, more gracious neighbors and to know that this program benefitted so many people in the community made it the perfect way to thank the city for the warm welcome.”
Weekly winners of the $500 Grand Prize were:
WEEK 1: Amanda Loftis/Jacob Raymond Jewelry 
WEEK 2: Elizabeth Cooper/Cille and Scoe
WEEK 3: Joy Johnson/Just Be
WEEK 4: Kathy Mabe/Bliss Downtown
WEEK 5: Mikayla Bryant/Design Archives
WEEK 6: Zach Usher/Lewis & Elm
WEEK 7: Amanda Wilson/Natty Greene’s
WEEK 8: Joseph Wyatt/Luxe Fragrance 
WEEK 9: Rebecca Klossner/Bonchon 
WEEK 10: Kara Schroeder/Bliss Downtown 
WEEK 11: Delilah Flores/Moore Music Company 
WEEK 12: Kim Hicks/Bijan’s Salon
WEEK 13: David Song/Moore Music Company
WEEK 14: Lea Frederick/B Christopher’s 
For 14 weeks, DGI challenged the Triad to find a local spot in downtown Greensboro and dine/shop in person. After spending $25 or more in a downtown business, participants uploaded a photo of their signed receipt to be entered into a weekly drawing for $500. Additionally, the represented business on the receipt received $500. 
“We enjoyed participating in the Summer Passport program and letting our customers know about it,” said Al Stephens from Moore Music Company. “It’s exciting to know two of our customers were winners as their proceeds will allow them to continue their pursuit of music education for their families. The funds have been most beneficial in helping us continue to provide support to our local school music programs.”