2030 Strategic Vision Plan
How should downtown look, feel and function 10 years from now? DGI and its partners have crafted a new strategic action plan for Downtown. Click here to read the plan.
About the Plan
What does the next decade hold for Downtown Greensboro? Downtown Greensboro Inc., in partnership with the City of Greensboro and Guilford County developed a new strategic action plan for the future of Downtown. The 2030 Vision Plan outlines goals, strategies and “Big moves” that will shape Downtown for the next 10 years. With an emphasis on “action,” the plan lays out clear steps to achieve our shared goals. We encourage you to review the plan.
Community Participation
In late 2019, we undertook a community-wide effort to collect public input for the Vision Plan. For several months, we met with residents, business and property owners, students, employers, young professionals and more to gather ideas and inspiration for the Vision Plan. In November 2020, two community workshops and a series of stakeholder meetings were held to collect input from more than 200 participants. From December 2019 – February 2020, in-person pop up events were held in each city council district in coordination with an online survey conducted to gain feedback from residents across the city. 1200 residents participated in the survey. This process sought to ensure broad-based feedback from a cross-section of community members and stakeholders in Greensboro.
A follow-up online survey was conducted during July-August 2020 with over 600 respondents to capture new ideas and gauge changing perspectives as a result of the pandemic. It was important to the process, to take the pulse of the community to assess current priorities and ensure our plan was responding to, and appropriate for, the profound changes we’ve all experience the last several months. Ideas and information collected from the Greensboro community informed the vision, goals and strategies that form the backbone of the Plan.
Learn more about the plan here.
Next Steps
The Vision 2030 Plan was presented at DGI's Virtual Annual Meeting on March 4, 2021. Click here to watch the meeting. (The plan is presented at the 46th minute).