Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI), has drawn the latest round of winning names for its #DGSOtogo contest. This week, more than $3,200 was spent local in Downtown Greensboro.

Week five winners are:

  • $500 GRAND PRIZE: Peter Helseth
  • $500 BUSINESS GRAND PRIZE: Vivid Interiors
  • Downtown Greensboro Merchandise and Gift Cards: Taya Lindsey, Michelle Lussier, Mimi Rahlan, Angie Gunn

 “With warmer weather in the forecast this week, we anticipate even more folks will head downtown to participate in this worthwhile campaign,” says Zack Matheny, President and CEO of Downtown Greensboro, Inc. “Spend $25 for a chance to win $500, what’s easier than that?”

For 12 weeks, DGI is challenging the Triad to find a local spot in downtown Greensboro and dine/shop in person, order takeout, buy gift cards or shop online. After spending $25 or more in a downtown business, participants can upload a photo of their signed receipt to be entered into a weekly drawing for $500. Additionally, the represented business on the receipt will also receive $500.

For a complete list of downtown restaurants and shops that offer convenient ways to dine in, order and shop online, and rules of the contest, visit