Family Support Network of Central Carolina, Greensboro Parks and Recreation, Downtown Greensboro Inc., and Greensboro Downtown Parks will host their annual UNITE event on Sunday, May 1, 2022 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at LeBauer Park in Downtown Greensboro, NC. This event stands for “Understanding
Inclusion Takes Everyone” and is held so local families (and the community at large) can attain free resources from over 30 local organizations that serve families of children with disabilities or special healthcare needs. In addition to the resources provided, event activities will include: Free Face Painting, a Fire Truck, Live Performances, Live Story-times, Live DJ, Live Music, a Splash Pad, Lawn Games, an Interactive Art Installation, Freebies, a Kona Ice Truck, and more. Come celebrate the disability community in our area while having a blast!
More information can be found here: